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Our services for professionals

If more and more individuals are using the services of a private detective to resolve disputes in the civil and private domain, we are also contacted by companies wishing to protect their interests and obtain evidence. Indeed, these companies may need to gather concrete and irrefutable evidence for cases of fraud, scam, unfair competition, etc.

The Grenat Investigations Agency is approved and authorized to intervene completely legally in all types of legitimate and fair investigations linked in particular to commercial law.

Une présentation au bureau

Business domain

  • Unfair competition

  • Abusive sick leave

  • Illegal work

  • Insurance investigation

  • Preparation for justice commissioner findings

  • Corporate theft

  • Non-competition clause

  • Morality survey / Before hiring

réunion d'affaires

Debt recovery

  • Search for debtors

  • Financial investigation

  • Credit check

  • Rental disputes

Révision des lois

Criminal Law

  • Breach of trust

  • Scam

  • Identity theft

  • Counterfeiting

  • Criminal counter-investigation

Pour défendre vos intérêts, prenez contact avec le cabinet d'enquête AGI au ou via notre formulaire.

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